This was a post to the carnivorous plant mailing list from an old time CP hunter. Robert has some cool first hand observations about seeing CPs in the wild:
From: (Robert Shands)
Subject: growing Cephalotus
If you get out a map of Australia and look at the bottom, you will see
the Great Australian Bight. This is where the Indian Ocean meets the
Southern Ocean. Over in West Australia in the Bight the Cephalotus
grows in the wild. It is a sparsely populated place with forests of
Banksias growing in the wild and flights of brightly colored parrots
flying overhead. The Antarctic Ocean sends storms crashing up on its
shores. This is where the man in the gray suit (Aussie for the Great
White Shark) comes very close to shore. You could easily imagine
dinosaurs stealthily darting across the road. It is like no other place
on earth, and I love it so.
I used to go there every year looking for carnivorous plants. I have collected
Cephalotus and Drosera in the wild from Albany to Bremer Bay and around to
Esperance. I have noticed how they were growing and what they were growing in.
I found out that they like growing close to the coast. Many times I found them
growing underneath the W. A. Wattle tree in a lot of leaf mold. These were big
green pitchers. The others--smaller red pitchers-- were growing so very close
to the beach that the huge waves that pounded had to be sending salt spray over
them with no ill effects.
I brought some back to Queensland; those that did not die started growing
smaller pitchers. This puzzled me. I returned a year later and took soil
samples and talked to a local nurseryman. Then I came up with my own potting
mixture. This turned the corner for me. I know this is going to raise some
eyebrows, but I am going to spell it out anyway.
First let me say what I have always said: "We DON'T grow plants. What we do
is provide the right soil, water, temperature, and light, and they do the
growing. We try to duplicate nature and they do the rest. Okay, here
goes--1/3 peat, 1/3 leaf mold, and 1/3 sand from the seaside. I don't mean
from the edge of the tide, but beyond the beach--even over the hill. A man who
owned the plant shop in Albany told me that a little salt keeps down the fungus
that they are so susceptible to. Randall Schwartz in his book Carnivorous
Plants (1974) on page 80 wrote, and I quote, " While many people grow
Cephalotus, real success is rare. Occasionally, the plant flowers and
flourishes in captivity, but vigor seems sporadic. There's some talk of a need
for some salt in their diet, but I can't seem to pin down the rumors."
If you want to boo and hiss, go ahead....Now for the fungus that kills them so
fast. One of the carnivorous plant clubs that I belonged to did a lot of tests
on fungicides to find which one was the best. I can't remember if it was the
Brisbane CPS or the LACPS--or even the name of the fungicide. If it comes to
me, I will post it. ........Later, Robert
posted by chuckr
10/10/2002 12:39:00 AM